it would be a perfect game if it wasn't made to sell strategy guides
For real they nailed the dungeons perfectly, they understood how to engineer the DNA of what a game like this could be like right on the first shot and everyone including Nintendo has been imitating it ever since, seriously, play something like A Link to The Past and aside from a ton of extra signposting (likely for the better) and all the new trinkets and gimmicks the dungeons are really not that fundamentally different. It's just the overworld that kinda sucks: if you aren't already equipped with the knowledge of where stuff is, good luck, buddy; you're gonna need that graphing paper.

Quote of the Game - "Yeah dude, I definitely enjoy burning a random bush, it not being a secret and then having to back out and back in on a screen to try again, very smart game design Miyamoto... if that even is your real name..." - The Pissed off and Upset Raging Video Gamer, probably

Reviewed on Jul 13, 2023
