Carrying a cup halfway across the map so you can turn into it and awkwardly roll under a slightly ajar window showed me how cool immersive sims can be.

I often prefer older games to newer ones, but something about the clunkiness and look of early 3D games is extremely hard for me to get into, which has turned me off from playing classics like Morrowind and the majority of good immersive sims. The idea has always seemed super cool to me, but I always tend to bounce off them.

I gave Prey a chance randomly when it was cheap, and man was I sucked into it. I still have yet to go back and give those older immersive sims a shot, but I'm sure I will someday largely in part to this game.

It's a real shame that the studio that made this game wasn't given a chance to make something even better.

Reviewed on May 13, 2024
