Very grotesque, very unforgiving little game in the vein of Inside, but with a richer art direction. It's definitely not for kids.

It's just like a Ubisoft game, but way better. Platinumed it in a week or so. Got bored by the end, there are almost no speaking human characters beside you.

I started the game on the PS4 Pro when it first came out and it looked and played so awful that I sold my copy. I picked the PS5 version up much later with small expectations and I was pleasantly surprised. I mostly cringe at the idea of a cyberpunk world, but this one was pretty well written and I all but forgot about the implants and whatnot and played it like an action-rpg in a traditional setting. Oh, and on of the female side characters was so well written and acted that I fell in love.

DEFINITELY not my kind of game. Just tried it because of the ps plus.

Good god. I had my first very long stint with this game when it first came out on the PC and it had the auction house. This is one of the games that made me turn away from the "games as a service" and "multiplayer" games. It's very addictive. And of course many years later i wanted to try the Ps4 version. I ended up with a platinum, but i gave away my copy. What's more to say about this franchise... fuck them.

I'm not a fan of the fighting and of the cheap cutscenes without real dialogue (although I can forgive the latter because of the budget), but it was a nice first foray for me in this genre. I want to play the others as well.

Majin is the distant relative of Trico and other lovable videogame animal companions. However he's not that well crafted. But the game itself is a warm, nice little nostalgia trip.

Looks pretty, but shallow and hollow on the inside. Like a dead hollywood franchise. I tried it and might finish it later when I'm really bored - but if I don't watch big budget superhero movies anymore, why am i playing them??

I started this game years before this on the Xbox One but it didn't make any sense to me so I just stopped because I wanted to play the other games first. It was a good decision. These games are a game/life changer for me. I can finally see what the big fuss is about. SNAAAAAKEEEE!!

I never liked JRPGS, but started to see what the big fuss is about when Sony gave away the FFVII remake. I don't regret playing this, it has a very good atmosphere, although I feel that the target audience is a few years younger than me.

JESUS FUCKING GOD is this a fucking great game!!! It's pure literature but wrapped up in a video game.

Very nice art direction, very nice ideas. Not very well implemented for the Vita though. Didn't finish it, seemed too hard. Might pick it up later.

Fuck you and the "no autosave" horse you rode in on. I literally sunk 6 hours from my life in this piece of indie crap which doesn't make any autosaves but it crashes. Fuck. You.

Jesus, someone give this Kojima guy a movie budget already!!!!


Walking sim with lots of snowy athmosphere. The "puzzles" are counterintuitive though.