To put it shortly, this game sucks. As for my reasoning; the camera being semi-fixed camera angles whilst being extremely far away at times made it excruciatingly difficult to see where I was. couple that with some encounters having 2 or more enemies 3 times the size of Kratos and I cannot see/defend myself. The story in this game is a very slow burn and was very confusing in the beginning as this is the first (technically second since I started GoW 2018 but decided to play the other games first) GoW. The puzzles I mostly to be enjoyable but some took a bit of time. The enemies in this game were probably the most annoying part. A lot of them couldn't be grabbed leaving you to just smack them over and over and, most of the time, they usually have super armor. Fortunately, as the game progressed I got more tools to counter these cancerous enemies but early game was... a struggle, to put it lightly.

Reviewed on Mar 22, 2023
