Log Status






Time Played

10h 9m

Days in Journal

5 days

Last played

November 15, 2022

First played

November 11, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


As a big fan of both point-and-click adventures as well as platformers, this game seemed like the perfect fit. But while the idea of combining platformer mechanics with point-and-click adventure mechanics is certainly unique, the game struggles to bring either of those two parts to great heights. The platforming is fine but the controls are far from excellency. The point-and-click is fine and fortunately not very frustrating, but also quite linear due to the lack of options.

But ultimately I think the game is better than the sum of its parts because it gets a lot out of this premise in terms of writing. I quite enjoyed the interactions between Ben and Dan and their constant arguing about their different ways to handle problems while they fumbled their way through this crazy conspiracy story. Nice meta gags and puzzles included.

The game also had quite a variety of locations, each with unique pacing, atmosphere, and mechanics themselves. It always managed to move forward before it started to become stale to me.