If you saw my review of Pop'n TwinBee, you may notice that I gave heavy praise to the game's aesthetics and accessibility - Tonight, in one sitting, I played through Harmful Park and felt mostly the same - In risk of repeating myself, I supposed I should just say that you should read my Pop'n TwinBee review for how I feel about the overall aesthetic and accessibility, although I will say that contrary to Pop'n TwinBee, this game is considerably funnier and a lot more ridiculous. It's chock full of silly things for every moment that passes and it never gets old mostly due to how short this game is. This game is also considerably easier if you're able to not die and get all of your weapon types to level 4. Like, it's kinda piss-easy.

If you like silly or humorous games, and games with very bubblegum or otherwise "poppy" aesthetics, this is definitely up your alley. It may have not been obvious, in what I've said in the review so far but I do adore this game and I think you should play it. It's nice and short, and you can easily knock it out in a bit over an hour, and all of those minutes are for sure worth your time.

Reviewed on Oct 20, 2022


1 year ago

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