1 review liked by lachriberry

It’s taken a lot out of me to write a review of this game. Been a favourite game of mine for years, and every time something in my life happens — good and bad — I think back to this game. This is a long review, so bear with me. This is just me speaking from my heart, at 2am, after crying for a few hours. This won’t be an average review by any means.

It’s been a tough week for me. Tough year, even. It barely even started. I’ve had lots of losses and lots of personal realizations recently. And it’s been tough to deal with.

Is it stupid to think of a game like Fallout: New Vegas? Yeah. Maybe it is. But when I say this game changed my perspective on life, I mean it.

This whole game is about letting go which is something I have a hard time dealing with. Letting go of friends, of viewpoints, of habits… it’s never been easy. Especially when it’s something close to you.

But something that always comes back up is the theme of letting go to what you hold dear. Every single time I think it’s this foreign concept that I’ll never master, I remember playing FNV. I remember playing the dlc, I remember finishing the main story, and realizing that I let go of so much. By completing my main save, I let go of my character. By doing the dlc, I let go (in game) of old concepts and beliefs.

It’s poetic. To let go of a core part of yourself isn’t easy. It’s something I hate doing even though it’s inevitable. But this game — and the lessons it taught me — has almost guided me through this process, like a helping hand.

For months I wanted to write a review of this game. I never knew how, nor did I know what I could write about that hasn’t been said already. “Good game, great writing, bad graphics, famous mechanics,” etc. gets stale. I never saw someone talking about the core lesson that it taught me and has taught the biggest fans of this game.

Recently I’ve had to let go of a lot of timings I held dear. I won’t say specifics, obviously. This is a largely anonymous review. You don’t know my name, nor do I know yours. You’ll never think about me again. But one thing I hope people take away is that, if the theme didn’t sink in, play it again. If you’re having a hard time coping with grief, play this game. It’s a soothing hug, a guiding hand, a gentle voice — all reassuring you that it’s okay that the process hurts, it’s inevitable but it passes with time.

Nobody’s going to read this. But I’m finally ready to write this review of the game. It’s been sitting in the back of my mind for a while. I could never find the words to put how this game has helped me down on paper. But I finally did it. Everything clicked. I finally found out how to write it all down. I can move on from this, too, even if it’s minor. This will be a hard week but I’ll move on.

If anyone is reading this and is struggling too, time will pass and carry you with it. Everyone has the capacity to let go and move on. It just takes gentle guidance.