2 reviews liked by lacquerware

Comix Zone is a half hour long game that purposefully sets up traps that you can't see coming/react to in time so that you have to keep replaying until you get it right. Conceptually, it's great, with the comic book inspired graphics. Definitely one of the best looking Genesis titles.

This game is known for its difficulty, but it honestly isn't very hard. Once you grind out the game enough and find the best paths to take, there is no challenge left. If I ever replay it, I will struggle minimally since I know all that traps that lie ahead. It was definitely designed this way because of how short the game is, and probably to counter the rental market at the time.

Basically Jet Set Radio if it was polished and made by a small group of people who ACTUALLY LOVE it. Very beginner friendly, and basically the best game that ever came out of Jet Set Radio. + It actually has a coherent and compelling story.