i adore psychonauts. amazing writing and characters and music... and the environment designs especially are beautifully done. in the first level, you go into the Head Coach's mind and like -- all the plants are made of things like bullets because of his fascination with war and the military. and it all looks so natural. there's so many tiny details in this game that could go unnoticed. so many small things you could miss

i love the psychic summer camp as a hub. its really cozy and feels lived in. and things change as time goes on... you can miss certain interactions since all the kids will be in different places at different times. and a lot of them are really funny. the jokes in this game are a hit

i didn't play psychonauts for so long because i thought it was pretty ugly. and... i still think it is a lot of the time. but i think it actually works very well for what they were going for tonally. the 2d art is amazing, though. i always looked forward to cracking open the vaults and taking in the slideshows. one of my favorite parts of the game

its sometimes rough gameplay wise... it only gets really slow during a few specific parts. i see people talk about how they hate how this game controls but i think it feels amazing to run around and do anything. a couple of the boss fights i did not have that much fun with but they were still pretty interesting. every level is super charming

Clairvoyance is one of the coolest game mechanics i've ever seen in my life. being able to like, see the world through another creature/character's eyes and how they perceive you is so fun. the main guy who trains you - he sees you as like a younger version of himself... since he sees a lot of himself in you. and there's funny ones too... it's an amazing way to illustrate how everyone views the world differently

i think i would not actively recommend going for 100%. collecting all the figments is not really necessary. i spent way too much time looking for figments after beating each level. but you should absolutely get all the vaults and emotional baggage. you get cool concept art for getting all the bags.

just a really good game. it was hard getting the pc port to run well... but it was very much worth it. i had to install and configure a widescreen mod that fixes a lot of things. i also had a lot of controller issues early on. not a perfect game but it's one of my new favorites

Reviewed on Dec 30, 2022
