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guy 1: "bro, like, what if our protagonist was, like... a MEATBALL, dude?? like literally just MEAT"

guy 2: "bro ur FUCKING crazy ur so fuckin UNHINGED that's so random and funny lol. god i love you bro no homo but please suck me off"

guy 1: "okay okay but hear me out... also, WHAT IF... we made the game super fuckin hard, like vein-burstingly tough..."

guy 2: "okay, okay. aaand...?"

guy 1: "aaaand we made it super fuckin repetitive and also the player can only run and jump. like LITERALLY only run and jump, that's it. nothing else."

guy 2: "BRO that's fuckin BRILLIANT, literal GALAXY BRAIN right here. if we make the game super hard and super repetitive with a super limited control scheme that forces the player to complete bullshit stages in only one way or no way at all... fuuuuck, dude, we barely have to TRY. you are so fucking smart you immaculate Adonis"

guy 1: "also what if the villain was called dr. fetus and he's literally just a fetus lol CRAZY right"

guy 2: "dude that's so funny lol. we should make an adult swim show"