3 reviews liked by laurliza

I was absolutely obsessed with this game when i was like 6 years old. I mean you can play as a Dog, annoy people, take a shit and throw it at someone, you collect bones to level up and travel across america to save your Dog GF. For some reason the game turns into Silent Hill at the end which freaked me out a bit. A childhood classic!

My fucking childhood game. It's prolly not even that good but fuck you, Venom is awesome and the game has a surprisingly good story.

Edit: Replayed it recently, it's as good as I remember it.

What an amazing game. Don't listen to the haters, this game is as close to perfection as you can get from Ubisoft. And for those who moan about the modern day sci-fi storyline, you may not like it but some of us do, so get off your high horse and let us just enjoy it. This game has everything, action, stealth, mythology, history, Spartan kicking, even philosophical and ethical problems. Why so many reviews complain about the setting is beyond me, it's an amazing part of history, with such a fascinating cast and legendary historical figures. Also, don't choose Alexios, he is lame, Kassandra's character is ten times better, female protag ftw.