2 reviews liked by lawdawghater

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I originally thought that this game was too big, too empty, too bleh. After trying a shot at the game on my ps5, I later came back to it, months afterwards. I normally don't like open world. I normally am not a big fan of fps, however this game exceeded all of my expectations.
I could write paragraphs upon paragraphs about the story of this game and the multiple endings there are to find. I love the story as a whole being a redemption of not only V, but also Silverhand (no matter which of the endings you choose). I love how the relationship V builds with other characters really show in the missions and I love how Silverhand becomes much more soft. V and Silverhand learn to trust one another and I believe it really shows in the story. I love each of the endings and how tragic each one is for one character, the other learns to live and to change and to adapt. I believe, even after the dlc, Panam's ending to be the most fulfilling, with V and Johnny going their separate ways, however there is obvious trust on the line. And the bossfight with Adam was so unexpected, however it was absolutely thrilling and better than even those of the dlc. The ending is bittersweet, yet more sweet than sour and that's why I believe that ending was the best.'
Furthermore, the soundtrack of this game is awesome and pairs perfectly with the setting and environment of the world. The unique districts of the city with separate fixers in each one really showed in the unique environments, especially in the badlands and pacifica.
The build varieties aren't extraordinary or anything but the customization you can do with V is so amazing. It is so cool to see the additions to your back, spine, arms, eyes, and all other limbs to increase your ability to handle certain things. I did a ton of side quests beginning of Act 2 (after finishing Panam's quests), so I came into the DLC and rest of the main story quests super overpowered, yet I still had a lot of fun. The guns and weapon mods are really cool to see, I just wished there might have been more expansion to upgrades and crafting, as I really never used them.
I love this game and I know I will be coming back for more. I did not achieve the secret Johnny ending and know I will be doing that ending my next playthrough. This game, despite all the graphic bugs, absolutely exceeded my expectations and will be a game I look back on very fondly.

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This is a perfect addition to the base game. Dogtown is an amazing addition and the new characters of Reed and So Mi are awesome. I love how the characters' have such tragic stories and how, no matter what, there is no good ending. Even for V, if he takes the FIA's offer to save him, it is so incredibly sad. I view this ending as the most evil one: V kills Johnny and in return V falls into a coma and looses everything and everyone. Yet, in the end, V must adapt and overcome all. He must overcome the new city he now faces. The ending is not my favorite, but I think it is the most beautiful and encapsulates the true human experience. We must move on and conquer, no matter what time and change bring us. We must move forward no matter the hand we are dealt, and I believe that this ending is so incredible in that aspect.
The area of Dogtown was absolutely incredible and the variety in locations are so dense and fun to explore. I could spend hours driving around viewing the destroyed city, listening to Kurt Hansen's propaganda.
Everything added through this dlc was amazing and only piqued my interest in the game more. Absolutely perfect dlc and one of the best dlc's I have ever played.
PS Hands is the best fixer!!!!