good game but tries to dump too much shit on you resulting in a game that feels awkward to control at least in my experience - the double jump shit worked like half the time and like every bumper being utilised to shoot out a different thing was hard to keep track of, the emmi units were fine at first but gradually got more and more tedious to deal with, it was more or less the same but they would gain abilities that felt bs to deal with, although the stealth aspect was much appreciated and i think that cloak shit was really cool.

the boss fights themselves were by far the strongest part of this game, rarely did they miss and when they did it felt like more of a me thing than the game itself - although the fight against raven beak had a really awkward 2nd phase that lasted kinda long since it relied on you parrying his 1 attack he would only do every like 30 seconds.

but enemies that weren't major bosses were so jarring man, they were fun the first time but i think you fight like 9 chozo warriors or some dumb shit by the end, it gets soooo monotonous. i don't see how it's excusable to repeat the same fights over and over in your game to pad out time. luckily, they weren't the hardest fights in the world but upon entering a room and seeing the same guy i just killed 15 minutes prior wasn't a fun experience, and it only seemed to multiply towards the end of the game; you eliminate 2 of the 7 emmi units in the span of like 10 minutes.

music was also kinda bland but i don't think that's an unpopular opinion. mercurysteam should hire someone else to do their music because music can elevate a particular scene or atmosphere tenfold.

the game still had a lot of merit though, the exploration was really fun and well thought-out, the map had a lot of backtracking but it was very cleverly designed. like, the game doesn't give you the morph ball for a hot minute but when you finally get it, you gain access to whole new crevices and stuff which you didn't before. i didn't get lost too many times unlike the 2 other metroid games i've played (prime 1 and prime 2), but there were some instances where it felt kinda random... like ok i had to shoot that wall in the top left corner of this room bro, cool. but those moments were really far and few between and it didn't take away from the overall experience of the game.

the story was pretty compelling and definitely carried the latter parts of the game for me. i think it could've been dispersed better but it wasn't awful. definitely intrigued to see where the series could go from here. overall this game is very fun and i recommend it, although i do think it is overhyped slightly. pick it up if you haven't already, a good introduction to 2D metroid for me. i think zero mission is next on my agenda.

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2024
