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1 day

Last played

June 24, 2021

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If you’re up
this Early
you’re probably
getting Medals…
Good Morning
Part-Time UFOs

Came to this just expecting a solid cutesy HAL micro-game, but was pleasantly surprised to find a (fairly sweet-toothed) exploration of gig economics and the trials + tribulations of working life. In a Nintendo game, no less! Wow!

Probably the closest a game has come to recreating the feelings I had while playing WarioWare, Inc. for the first time ever while sitting on the floor of a Spanish airport 20 years ago - it flies so delicately along that fine line of wackiness that a lot of games overstep, never allowing the preposterousness of its situations and characters and animations to become overbearing or insincere.

Co-op is a true delight, and I was so pleased to discover that many of the levels are re-designed to include at least one or two elements that require genuine co-operation - in the trickier levels, you have to lift heavy objects together, co-rotate pieces in mid-air and use each other as ballasts and counter-weights. It’s very well thought-out, and understands that co-op games should be about more than just two players playing at the same time.

It’s a small shame, then, that the single player missions don’t require quite as much foresight and planning. They’re still real fun, but most just require you to pick things up and drop them into another thing. I get that adding much more than that would undermine the beautiful simplicity of the premise (and also maybe undermine the game’s thinking on the repeated monotony of labour), but I want to keep playing this! Full-Time UFO please, HAL…