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1 day

Last played

April 9, 2021

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It hurts to only give 3 stars to a Taiko game that’s this good, but locking it behind a subscription-only service gives the whole experience a somewhat uncomfortable feel, like I’m just borrowing the game from a friend or the library or something. Why not let me buy it outright? C’mon Apple! I only want to play this and Clap Hanz Golf! I don’t want to be stealthily docked six quid every month for the privilege of being able to access a bunch of Thoughtful Annapurna Flat Design Bullshit! I’ve had Neo Turf Masters on my iPhone for seven years and still play it every other week - by my maths, it would have now have cost me approximately £500 if it was an Apple Arcade Exclusive.

Get the free trial, play the Gen Hoshino songs on Extreme a few times, cancel your subscription and then try to pretend this isn’t the best Touch Taiko game around. It’s too sad to think about for long, especially in this “Sony kills PS3/P digital” moment.