Starfield 2023

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Too. Many. Load. Screens. My god you have to go through like 4 to go anywhere at all. Ship combat is also not fun at all. I'm not sure how you'd make it good, but that wasn't it. Also, obtaining powers in those ancient sites was so boring and repetitive. Also, the environmental hazards and stuff never made any goddamn sense to me and seemed bugged. However, I don't hate this game like many do.

Main story is the best of any Bethesda developed game and the Crimson Fleet questline is really good. I also love being a space cowboy, so that was great and I loved the Freestar Rangers. I feel like they took a small, but meaningful step back towards their RPG roots with the inclusion of traits you pick at character creation, how persuasion works, and when skills factor into dialogue. Loved all of that. The gunplay was the best Bethesda's ever done and the powers were really fun to use alongside them. Crafting was great too and customizing my little bachelor pad was cool.

Also the way NG+ works in this game is really cool and unique. I will definitely be getting back to it when the DLC comes out.