15 reviews liked by lilacfev

We had a cool thing and they ruined it

Whats better than tetris? Tetris with 98 other people to showcase just how bad you are at such a simple game

Music make me lose control

Davey Wreden's follow-up to walking sim classic, The Stanley Parable is a deeply intimate interrogation of the struggles of success and creative control in the games industry. I simply cannot say anything else about it other than that you should play it.

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In another review / guide on Steam someone remarked that "Because of his own internal fears of something that Coda likely finds comforting, he attributed his own internal feelings to Coda's intent." I think, in one sentence, you have really the whole story.

Love my introspective metatextual boys. Very Charlie Kaufman. Though I will say I first played this in 2015 and I couldn't for the life of me recall what this was about until I played it again now in 2024.

It took me three days to recover from playing this game. It has changed me in a way very few pieces of art have done.

I mean fucking yeah... Fuck...