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May 19, 2021

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My first time fully playing through it, I had only played a few levels over and over before that.

This game definitely had some incredibly high highs imo. The game is at its best when you're being chased just as you're using all of the games tools to escape as flawlessly as you can. When the controls work in your favor it's a truly exhilarating experience.

The level design was(for the most part) another highlight of the game for me. Some people have mentioned that it should've given you more rooftop sections where you have more freedom, and I kinda agree, but I personally didn't mind having to stop and look around every once in a while. I will say that there were some sections where it was really unclear what to do, which was rather frustrating. When it comes to level design, my favorite level was the one in the subway. Having to run down the tracks while hearing the trains run right past you or right behind you as you're being chased by police was pretty damn stressful.

The game is however, as many have already pointed out, flawed. The controls don't always feel amazing. It's very easy to snag on something that ruins a perfect flow. Faith just never grabbing ledges when you want her to. All of which are frustrating when they happen for obvious reasons, but they thankfully don't really bring down the whole experience for me. The feeling of when they work in perfect sync is just something I enjoy too much, I guess.

Another negative is the story. I think it mainly just comes down to a combination of how it's told and how it's written. I do feel like there's a worthwhile story somewhere in there, especially these days, but it really didn't present itself in an interesting way. The animated cutscenes were also a bit of an eyesore for me, sadly.

Overall, I had a good time with it.
EDIT: Forgot to mention just how beautiful the game is! The high color contrast and great lighting(mostly) really makes everything pop. The way they mark your "parkour vision" with red objects is super neat. The lighting was definitely a bit much when you're on the rooftops in the middle of the day though. I was nearly blinded!