Having all 3 games together finally allows for a coherent story to be told. The stealth gameplay is really fun, the costume system, the various weapons and environmental interactions. I really like the mission stories system, it allows the player to streamline their gameplay by playing it more like a traditional game story, but you're not pigeonholed into doing it, you can bail out of the story at any time and do things your own way, you can never interact with them in the first place if you want, you can fail them as your targets move around and do things which really helps immersion. The world never revolves around you so you need to be thinking about what is going around you and what your target is doing, the game is always requiring you to problem solve and think on the fly and that's really fun especially in the context of being an assassin with the goal of leaving no tracks. My biggest gripe with the game is the always online requirement, yeah you can play the story offline but offline is a separate save which sucks. There's no real good reason for it, their rolling missions that change (separate to the story) don't really have to work that way, and it kinda sucks that content gets time gated. Hopefully a future update adds all the content to be available offline and a new disc can be printed so it can be preserved forever.

Reviewed on Oct 20, 2023
