For those that love the genre of pre-rendered FMV games, I'm not sure there is a more exemplary game of the genre that is genuinely incredibly good all the way through. Every problem with past System Sacom FMV games is fixed here, and the game almost acheives what most FMV games fail to do: you feel as if you are in an evironment which is fully able to be interacted with. the on rails vibes are really toned down here. Music and setting creates a really specific atmosphere, and all the characters leave an impression. The only issue is that the game drags on disc two with a location change, but this was the most charming game I have played in years. 7/10 game, but a 10/10 experience. They really don't make things like this anymore.

I don't have enough context on the gaming scene in 1993 to say anything definitively, but in 1993 I have to imagine this stood out (forgive my PC ignorance, I'm sure something got made there!).

In the period of time that people seemed to think FMV games were where games were headed (and were so so wrong), this feels surprisingly fresh. Everything that is enjoyable about old FMV games on the Mega CD is present here with less fuss, and it also represents the blueprint of System Sacom's future work on Torico, a genuinely wonderful game on Saturn. Worth revisiting, and worth playing blind, if you can put up with the dub. Immaculate vibes.