Coming from playing Yakuza 0 through to 6, Yakuza Like A Dragon has shot right up to my favourite Yakuza game, and one of my favourite RPGs of all time.

This is the first time the series has tried out turn based combat and leaned heavily into the JRPG genre, and they NAILED it on their FIRST try. They take the best aspects from the genre and combine it with the amazing storytelling, characters, and side content known from the Yakuza series, and you have a 10/10 game.

I also cannot overstate how cool the setting of a modern city and setting is, you get amazing enemies like the Invulnera-Billboard, Hungry Hungry Homeless, Piss Wizard, Twitchy Streamer, Pornogra-Pharoah (there are 200+ of these I can go on). So you want fire magic? Burp into a lighter and create a flamethrower. Ice magic? Dump an ice bucket onto a dude. Electric magic? Whip out a taser, zap.
There are so many cool and creative attack moves that you can learn through trying out jobs which act as classes. You can be a breakdancer, chef, homeless guy, office clerk, a night queen who steps on someones nuts to revive them, etc. There are also summons like chickens, buff guy with wrecking balls for hands, adult in a baby diaper throwing a tantrum, and nancy-chan the crustacean damnation, and wayyy more.

If you're a JRPG fan, or wanting to get into Yakuza, this game is worth your time. My GOTY for 2020 and a 10 outta 10 from me.

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2021
