Final Fantasy IV: Interlude feels more like a bonus for buying Final Fantasy IV The Complete Edition over actually giving anything worthy of substance. It is rather neat to revisit the characters again after the events of Final Fantasy IV, but as a plot there really isn't anything hanging on here that you will miss between IV and The After Years.

On top of that, the game completely reuses assets and settings without any ambition to it. Nothing really changes between when you visited these places in IV and during interlude, and it really makes for a rather static and empty map in the long run. The game would have greatly benefited from being more on rails or at least as a small set of cutscenes, but what we get is a mild adventure of more Final Fantasy IV gameplay, and some unresolved issues. If not for the fact this was a free, and had a neat little dev. room area I would say this is Final Fantasy at it's lowest, but really it just feels like some last minute extra that was given with little thought to it. If you're a fan of Final Fantasy IV, you might find some enjoyment to it, but really you aren't missing much if you can't get your hands on this game.

Reviewed on Apr 17, 2024
