8 reviews liked by loveydovey

A hilarious visual novel about trying to stop your lunch from being stolen at work. Some endings literally had me howling.

Slay the Princess really shows how far the Visual Novel genre can be pushed. It’s well-written and impeccably voiced. It’s terrifying, somber, hilarious, and downright confusing, but it’s such, such a good time. If you’re looking for a completely out-of-your mind narrative adventure, and can stomach what you find behind each door, there’s few options better than a couple afternoons slaying the Princess. Or saving. Or leaving? Your choice, really.

really solid bokumono game. the characters and town are very distinct, loved the music and land betting gameplay too. unfortunately money in this game seems pretty hard to come by (golden flax method ftw) and materials are insanely grindy??? i was literally not able to have twins because it is impossible to get rarer materials in this game without insane save-scumming. this would be a 4.5 for me if the rates weren't extremely low. married fritz the love of my life

So beautiful, so calm, so sweet!! A little repetitive? Very smooth brain and incredibly beautiful. Wish all the menus and tutorials and text boxes would move faster.

this ruined me. disgusting yet beautiful.

i wish i had words to say but it's just.. :(

Having a semi love hate relationship with this game seems to be very common. The story is very good, honestly such a gem with so much sorrow and misfortune with twinges of hope throughout. The gameplay isn't bad, if anything I liked most of the loop! The only bad parts are the fact of Jennifer being akin to a wet paper bag so if you don't just run and hoard health items things will be very bad, and some of the bosses / boss "rushes" feel very frustrating and can damper the experience. Lots of little details to where things are cryptic, but not TOO cryptic to try and piece some things together. Play once and enjoy the memories, afterwards just watch video analysis if you wanna remember it

auuuuugh, i really like this game! it's short, sweet & hilarious <3 i personally like cooking for others, so i really enjoyed the setting of the game, hehe. it also helps that the motherfucker that stole my lunch is actually a really sweet guy :)

also???? "my parents had a French phase"???? SHUT UUUUUUUUP HSDHGDSH. that scene got me howling laughing cackling etc etc. as someone who is Also called bo, i think i'm going to start introducing myself as "Bone Appletea" as well. that's fucking hilarious