In Forspoken you play as Frey a young woman dragged from her home on Earth to the fantastical realm of Athia. In the process you find yourself attached to a magical talking vambrace and also in possession of powers that soon draw the attentions of the other powerful beings of this world.
The game has left me utterly frustrated at its wasted potential. This open world action rpg is very thin on meaningful content. Yet it has a very fluid and beautiful combat/traversal mechanics. The story is very basic and by the numbers so quickly you start to get bored of the whole affair but the design of its main bosses (tantas) are very unique and pleasing to behold. The open world environment is ridiculously wide and beautiful but are barren landscapes that again start to bore you as you move through them to another meaningless and optional map marker that grants either a piece of armor with minimal combat effects/xp/stat upgrades. Side quests are few and far between and completely forgettable it’s all just set dressing. You get the most out of this game sticking to the main path which has you take down the once beloved protectors of Athia; the Tantas. These were powerful women who prior to the events of the game succumbed to a blight that ate away at their minds and (much of the world) until they became twisted versions of themselves.
I honestly cannot recommend anyone play this game (unless it’s at a heavy price discount and you mainline it) it feels like a mostly empty and generic experience which is a shame as the mechanics are sound. Ugh.

Reviewed on Aug 03, 2023
