Creepypastas are still being created?

I did... I mastered Subway Surfers...

metal slug for minors (or not so much)

Does anybody played the sandbox mode of this?

I love the aesthetic that these kind of game give me
Is so comfortable, but so strange...
I wish that was not so short

I miss so much this time...

I would also be upset if someone stole my tapes

I remember a 2017 child playing this on his older cousin's PC and falling in love with this game, spending hours playing the zombie mode

I play the version


I was thinking that game was real a cozy game

This review contains spoilers

People saying that they hate ARG
But I kinda like it

2018 me identified a lot with the protagonist

I was walking normally and I saw...


Moral of the story: Don't chose Cristianism as your religion