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I played this game to completion when it was released back in 2011. I have very little memory of that time (as I was 14), my only memories were crafting one gazillion daggers to level smithing, thinking Sovngarde looked cool as hell and that one cave with the glowing mushrooms.

On a mission to start going through my start library, I downloaded it again, wanting to check the DLC that came out since then and maybe now with an adult brain and a much better grasp on the English language maybe enjoy the game a lot more.

I did not enjoy this game more, if anything as I kept playing I kept wondering "how did I like this in the first place?"

The voice acting is terrible, the menu/ui is bugged as all shit, the quests are either so simple it is insulting or look like they COULD be complex but Bethesda being what they are they go "no, don't think about it so hard", the combat lacks any sort of "oomph" that makes it feel like you're doing any real damage.

I thought the newly added faux hardcore mode could make it a bit more challenging but because bethesda is terrible at doing anything, it is horribly implemented to the point of annoyance (not at the mechanics themselves but how horrible the UI represents these new challenges, if at all)

This may have retroactively ruined any non new vegas gamebryo game for me as it just made me go "who gives a shit?" near the end of my attempt to replay this.

I know buggy things are par for the course of bethesda but I fist fought someone at a bar, got my ass whooped and the game soft locked my character in a "wounded" animation, unable to do anything but reload.