metroid has always been a fascination of mine something that's always existed out of the periphery of my grasp seeing them on store shelfs and game magazines reading about the games online coming into singular contact with an xbox snes emulator where i played all of 20 minutes of super metroid. i've always appreciated samus seeing her from afar but never actually knowing her or fully stepping into her shoes. i've basically spent my entire life imagining what it's like to play through an entire metroid game until now where i've finally gotten my hands on one and safe to say it lived up to every bit of expectations i had. everything about this game is so well crafted and designed for anyone to be able to learn the ropes, there are so many visual queues that tell you what you need to do in incredibly smart ways and as someone who very rarely is able to push through games that pose a decent challenge this one did a good job of making me feel like i was always learning from my deaths every boss that i died to so many times i beat in that same sitting because everytime i died i learned something it's just so good and i love this game and i'm excited to be able to join in when metroid's future is the brightest it has been in such a long time (insane that this is currently the best selling metroid game ever???) i'm excited to hopefully get onto playing the prime games before the 4th one eventually comes. see you then!

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2023
