4 reviews liked by m4nty

People who were complaining about Moonlit Farewell not being a worthy successor to, and I quote, "one of the best metroidvanias out there", I ask sincerely: What the shit?

i love fzero. this is fzero times 99. so this is 99 times better. ka-pow.

Even though this is by far my favorite of the classic series, it's very clear that this game still have that air of mediocrity that permeates MM5 and MM6 at parts.

Half of this game is fantastic, the best the NES has to offer in action platformers, the other half is stuff like ToadMan, you can barely qualify it as a boss.

I'll still defend MM4 for all its flaws though, because albeit not consistent in its quality, its lows are less low than 5 and 6's lows, and a lot of the level design set pieces of the game show genuine effort put into them.

MM4 more than any other classic Mega Man exemplifies the heights that the development team could reach if not for the strict deadlines imposed by Capcom at the time.