Eventhough I really like VNs I almost never play western ones since they are too romantic/relationships/datesim oriented. But this game... someone hold my beer... this game is awesome. The topics and depth of treatment of those way too good. A really nice outlier. I also spent so many hours playing the in game solitaire.

It plays like Yugioh! Your turn plays relate to amount of cards in hand and are constrained by a once per turn action (normal summon). But with cards effects you can get to extend your plays almost going through you whole deck.
Learning to keep track of value is also easy as it already keeps tracks of the points of each player. It almost feels like resource racing too.

Games like this where whole urban legends in primary school.

This game was truly special for me. The whole subject 16 stuff was really intriguing. I never go to play AC I, so this was the intro to the saga for me and I'm happy for that. I remember winning this game in only 3 days. On the third day I felt almost numb from reality. Playing in a dark room at night trying to find all glyphs and solving subject 16 related puzzles.

They delivered to the fans with this game.

A gameboy advance fell in my hands as soon as ~ 2005. My uncles brought it from China to Argentina. With it it came Naruto: Ninja Council game cartridge with it's colourful orange sticker. There was only one problem, it was all in japanese. As a kid I learned but EVERY option was for. Even deleting my own save files. But I know this game like the palm of my hands. I remember playing it in primary school so many times before knowing it had an Anime. Naruto shouted his name... but the other characters where:
the blue one, the girl, the masked one, Gaara was the honey one. What a blast.

HQ graphics =/= better game
I liked some changes, but the loss of the two screens is a big hit to the game. The story is the same and it's what outshines everything else (that is still awesome) so it's no biggie. If you can't play on the DS, this remake is a watered down version of the original, go for it!

I pretended to be a girl for more than a year while playing this as a 12 year old. I made some friends with whom I shared almost all my life with some tweaks here and there not to reveal I was lying.
Played as a healer and almost exclusively supporting a friend that played aoe. We mobbed so hard.
When I switched to highschool I wanted to reveal the truth but decided for losing a potential long lasting friendship there.

The World Ends with You hits home in my case: I used to seclude myself up
The game is about life&death, but the setting is a character itself. Shibuya feels alive in this game. People walking in the streets feel real. What is happening is as important as who are happening during the game's plot.
The music feels like coming from the streets rather than an MP3. And the gameplay is between a hack&slash, bullet hell and deck building.
Farming & grinding is funny too. And the game's mechanics can be easy to pick up and have a lot of depth at the same time.

I don't know if I finished this game or not D:

I don't know if I finished this game or not :(

Loved this game! The online was awesome for the time. And I also got it touch with some guys over MSN and .tk websites to play this game and receive feedback of my deckbuilding skills.