Log Status






Time Played

2h 40m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 29, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


a delightful romp through the most visually diverse maze-like world that feels incredibly random yet utterly coherent all at the same time. in a lot of ways, it is more of an experience than a true "game" per se, but fuck it. games are art, and this is just as much of a game as anything else.

you're trying to see all 10 'postcards' (for which there is a counter in the pause menu), but due to its large interconnected world, it can be extremely difficult to tell if you have been somewhere already, which can make finding the last few a bit of a slog. there is an ending, with credits, but i think it is totally fair to stop whenever you are no longer having fun.

effortlessly funny and enjoyable with so many fun and unique concepts for rooms that had me smiling and laughing the vast majority of the time. it feels deeply personal, and inspires me to make something of my own someday too.