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December 23, 2022

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Danganronpa is a somewhat divisive game franchise, hosting both a loyal cult following while welcoming plenty of hate at the same time. Personally, I had absolutely zero expectation of what this game really was outside of the name and a handful of notable characters when I first started this game two years ago, but by the time I finished it for the first time earlier this year I was completely hooked into this franchise. This first installment is a huge cultural cornerstone as far as 2010's internet media goes, and for good reason: Danganronpa is an extraordinarily eccentric, irreverent, and one-of-a-kind story experience that I truly recommend everybody at least give a try once.

On my second playthrough, I came to appreciate this game a lot more. Each chapter presents extremely sound, if sometimes a bit predictable, mysteries that offer no shortage of twists and turns. The cast of characters is extremely tight, other than maybe 2 or 3; even some of the side characters who are not in it for as long manage to be compelling. The overarching story doesn't explain everything all at once, instead opting to judiciously feed the player bites of info that sometimes mislead the player but often intensify the plot. Tonally, the game is excellent, with some moments of levity that don't feel out of place but a mostly pretty serious atmosphere. I don't want to spoil anyone, because if you have by some miracle of God managed to stay unspoiled on Danganronpa for over a decade, you'll want to experience it blind, as each development will keep you guessing until the very end.

I understand that there are some questionable topics that are handled with no caution and often in pretty tasteless ways, and I totally get not wanting to play Danganronpa for those reasons. But I truly, truly think that this is a one-of-a-kind game and series despite some of the more glaring shortcomings in the way of sensitive topics.

I could talk for pages upon pages on why I love this game and how great it is for a bevy of reasons, but I'll spare you. Bottom line: Danganronpa is a true classic in the realm of visual novels and 2010's pop culture, for better or worse.