Civilization VI Mod Leaders Ranking

On my civ addict arc (again) so don't judge me when I just scavenge Steam Workshop looking for interesting characters mods. Usually I tend to don't care about whether or not they are balanced, just if they attempt to be different than what's in the game.

This list judges them based on the default settings on the hardest difficulty (Continents, Small Map, 6 Players, Balanced Start, Special Modes disabled) and how they fare against the normal ingame civs. If you're curious on my opinions on the other normal civs you can check it by clicking here

Sid Meier's Civilization VI: John Riccitiello Pack
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: John Riccitiello Pack
Leader: John Riccitiello
Tier: SSS
Fun Tier: S

Notable Traits: Steals gold per turn based on the amount of population of civs you've met / Gold stealing increases 5 time when capitalism civic is completed / Strategic resources give extra gold / Unique unit gives you plenty of science for free

The whole joke/comment here is gaining gold. There's a unique notification that notifies you how much you've earned in that turn which is always cool to keep track of, seeing it go from 1 per turn from discovering a city state to nearly 1k per turn at the end of the game is really interesting.

The bonuses of science are also really good, getting 5 times the amount of a civ's population by doing nothing is incredible, but you need to build one neighborhood to get one of them first, which should come around when you get to capitalism.

Having 5 times the gold stealing effect is of course when you are at your strongest, but make no mistake in thinking this civ wouldn't still be great without the multiplier later in the game. Expect to get a slowly scaling value that will get to around 150-ish before the modern era before it completely takes off.

There's not really much else to say it, its true that you lack any bonuses outside of money in the first 2/3 of a game, yes, but you can 90% of the time afford any buildings, military and great people you need, in a way that feels like cheating. If you managed to survive until the modern era with your pseudo infinite money, congrats, you may be the first person to achieve that faity tail gaming myth of "Economic Victories" in civilization.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Klein Moretti Pack
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Klein Moretti Pack
Leader: Klein Moretti
Tier: Ban tier
Fun Tier: SS

Notable Traits: Gain a unique unit every era that steal and limits movements / Other civs religious units cannot enter your cities / Holy district gives you considerably more faith / Can manage and store era points

Klein is fully stacked when it comes to bonuses, such as extra % for culture and science in cities, monuments giving more culture, better yield on farms and fishing boats... all of those minor ones would already place him at least S tier.

But there's more, as he unsurprisingly shines at at religion, since his cities cannot be converted directly, making it so that opposing civs have to go to war against you to try to convert it. However, at war is something that Kleinn has no problems dealing it, both on the defense and offense, because marionettes exist.

Those 3 movement units can use one action to permanently restrict 1 movement from other units up to 2 tiles away. Units with 0 cannot move, unsurprisingly, and when they get below 0, it fully converts them to you. This would already put them as the strongest unit in civilization, however, they get even stronger: units can act the same turn they are converted, you don't have to be at war to limit their movements, you gain promotions giving additional actions and number of possible units converted... it's just too much and stupidly fun to have them around.

Besides all of that and the fantastic era system that I don't have time to mention, even if all you had were just marionettes and they didn't had half of those effects, he would still find himself in the ban tier, as you can do whatever the hell you want with them, like farming barbarians to form an army, get every unit from a city state before attacking it, making enemy troops unable to attack or move and just leaving them be without converting... oh and just for a cherry on top to finish this off: You can also convert non military units such as: settlers, builders, apostles and even, believe it or not, great people.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Mona Megistus Pack
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Mona Megistus Pack
Leader: Mona Megistus
Tier: F
Fun Tier: C

Notable Traits: Every 5 rounds loses all gold and gains 20% of it as science / Player with the most science per turn except her gains the gold / Gives everyone an yourself free science the more science you used / Starts the game with massive additional vision

Wow she sucks. Losing all your gold every 5 turns is absolutely brutal, I believe I don't have to elaborate on it, and besides the fact that you'll advance faster in the tech tree, it means that buying most things like district upgrades, great people, units, is extremely tough. You are forced to aim to maximize your gold output to not only has some use of your science, but also to be able to afford emergencies when the time comes.

She would already play like a challenging civ that has a terrible early game and relies on somehow getting enough development to get any use of her bonuses, but the other part of her ability that gives the player ahead in science gold, ruins this. It's nearly impossible to catch up with whoever is already winning no matter how well you are doing yourself with the insane amounts of science. You rely a lot on maintaining a peaceful relation with whoever is winning the early game science wars, as you're very prone to be targeted by other civs. I avoid bringing up my own experiences here but I only managed to pull out a win by being alone in a continent with Gilgamesh, and even then it was one of, if not THE, hardest civ match I ever had. I don't consider myself a bad player, but consider this an open invitation to anyone reading this to give this a shot yourself and try to win.

You have other bonuses too since it's the same civilization as a Ban tier leader, Klee, but you make such minor uses of those bonuses compared to her. Mona is, probably, the worst mod civ of all time in Civilization VI.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Super Mario Leaders Pack
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Super Mario Leaders Pack
Leader: Daisy
Tier: SS
Fun Tier: S

Notable Traits: Up to additional 4 palaces depending on where you settle / Happiness gives amenities and appeal to cities in golden eras / Unique building gives you more appeal and chops / Unique parks only use 1 tile

Settling your first city in a mountain, desert, coast, mountain adjacent and wonder adjacent giving you an extra palace is good, and in most games you'll get at least +3 capitals. If you have good planning with era scores, don't forget that there's one card there that gives 50% production on capitals.

Daisy bonuses to appeal in golden eras is really great, it combos nicely with the unique park system that not only uses its own appeal rather than needing the awkward diamond formation normally, but also gives gold based on how much appeal it has, meaning you can fit them so much better in your nation, it's almost spammable. They can also be taken down unlike normal parks, giving you more flexibility on adapting your cities.

Her unique beanstalk building is great but hard to fit properly, you'll likely not make much use unless near mountains with good appeal, but its worth settling later in the game entirely planning around their adjacency and chopping potential.

Daisy is unfortunately very limited to just culture games, although she's probably the best civ in the game that's specially aimed at it, its important to not mess up until the halfway point in the game since you lack any significant bonuses until the renaissance. Pass that and get your amenities ready, because getting inhumane amounts of tourism that can end the game earlier than intended could not possibly be any easier.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Super Mario Leaders Pack
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Super Mario Leaders Pack
Leader: Bowser
Tier: SSS
Fun Tier: SS

Notable Traits: Massive adjacency bonuses to volcanoes and to your unique structure / Cities with governors are immune to volcanoes / Governors are better and easier to get / Unique siege unit is insanely strong and can act as a settler

Bowser is a menace that can settle anywhere on the map, both in the way that he enjoys settling near volcanoes, and in the fact that his siege unit that comes in fairly early can travel ocean tiles, and settle cities.

Now, despite the fact that they cost 1 population, this unit is very much worth spamming, because they will win you wars single handedly just by having no movement penalty and added damage to land units. Using them as just settlers is also extremely good, as the mobility and safety they provide allows you to settle like Kupe, but much better.

The unique governors are mostly slightly better replacements while keeping usually the same core ideas of them. They feel and act much stronger however, you can get promotions much quicker when spies are available, giving you a promotion when you neutralize governors, which is always great even when you dont even need that one specific governor out.

Now, if you think maybe a bad spawn not near volcanoes can stop bowser, dont worry, because his unique building that can only be built once per city acts as one, giving you its moderate bonuses while also increasing the adjacency of everything near it. No bad spawn can hold you back, thrive and conquer to your hearts desire.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Super Mario Leaders Pack
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Super Mario Leaders Pack
Leader: Peach
Tier: S
Fun Tier: SSS

Notable Traits: Gain an additional great people when obtaining a landscape artist / Unique building gives a lot of spoils and housing with proper planning / All tiles give +1 gold and quarries +2 culture / Has an exclusive wonder that grants 6 great work slots

Has a really bountiful early game given how Toad houses show up at the perfect time in the game in which you're planning your city better, and most of the time, are act as mostly better farms while giving you more gold and housing. Hell, they are even better than mines if you have quarries nearby. Don't forget about how you also get basically +1 gold per citizen throughout all game.

Her big unique deal is that whenever you gain a landscape artist you also gain an alt version of them that produce the same paintings, generating tourism and culture also. You can travel units trough them, ending their turn, which is good if you have a city that can mass produce troops but is located far away, makes so that all you need are theaters on them. This teleport is not limited to just your own cities mind you, which creates the extremely funny strat of selling paintings to civs you wanna invade.

A lack to any actual bonuses in domination or science pushes Peach to be a great culture civ that never feels behind in any stages of the game, making her strong while not oppressive, with niches strengths but a yield game so solid that you can handle yourself all game just with those.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Mudrock Pack
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Mudrock Pack
Leader: Mudrock
Tier: Ban tier
Fun Tier: SSS

Notable Traits: Farms a unique resource stone on quarries / Uses stone as a passive resource to create strong units / Strength of units increases by the amount of quarries you have and can become quarries themselves / Industrial Zones give phenomenal bonuses.

You'd think that relying on quarries would be a detriment but since you can create them yourself, its something to be offset massively as long as you have at least one in your territory, which should be common. Those quarries give a lot of adjacency bonuses and extra yields, so even if you avoid going for a domination victory, which by all means you should, she has already really solid bonuses here given how your units can become them.

Speaking of Mudrock Colossus, what is there to say besides, absolutely broken. They act as an early game super death robot of sorts, but that can get noticeable stronger than one as the game progresses. They have additional damage and deal every turn depending on the number of quarries you have, have amazing increased defenses, and can always just be reutilized as stone generators later if you don't need them. They take massive damage from siege units, but since you'll usually have a lot of them and siege units are generally bad, it's not a big deal. For comparassion, with only 3 quarries you are able to take down an entire city with medieval walls with just one of them, despite taking some time since they are melee units hitting walls.

Don't sleep on the industrial zones also, cheaper, have city defenses, give housing, faith, more production than usual and etc, it makes your cities develop much faster and are necessary to buy or produce your colossus.

Mudrock is extremely overwhelming and can't be stopped even with a bad spawn and you can forge your cities over time to be ideal ones filled with quarries and overflowing production, while having units that others could only dream of.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Liyue & Inazuma Pack
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Liyue & Inazuma Pack
Leader: Kamisato Ayaka
Tier: SS
Fun Tier: SSS

Notable Traits: Ecstatic cities give bonus % science and culture for all cities / Entertainment complex and water park generate more great people / Cities with governors give extra amenities and culture per district / Generate double war weariness

Deceptively strong as a peaceful civ, you can stack +5 amenities in most cities by planning properly where to place your entertainment districts the colosseum, governor promotions and etc...

The bonuses you get are based on % which means they get stronger as the game goes on. It does make so that if you lack proper campuses and theater squares it won't be as strong, but 5% per city up to 50% is too amazing to pass on to. Don't worry about "wasting" district with ones focused on amenities because not only it's already worth considering the bonuses, but those districts will give you a nice boost to getting great people, like an even better Pedro II.

You are limited to avoiding conflict at all costs until with the double war weariness but that is perfectly fine if at max you did some early wars, after some point you can't afford to lose the ecstatic status when the % start to really make a difference. If, however, you stacked up of bonuses past above the threshold, you can use abuse your insane gains for some great late game wars. Like Bruce but on steroids, you have here one of the most effective and fun civs at being a peaceful, well intended, and just generally good neighbour for others.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Liyue & Inazuma Pack
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Liyue & Inazuma Pack
Leader: Keqing
Tier: B
Fun Tier: C

Notable Traits: Allows cities to have 2 trade routes with lighthouse and market / Trade routes give additional production or gold / Bought units can move immediately / Has a cheaper unique swordsman

Embarrassing how long it took me to realize cities could only have one trade in it, but this time, having both a lighthouse and a market actually works. Its further incentivized by how you get extra production by sending routes, based on the number of mines, and others receive additional gold for sending routes to you, based on number of quarries.

The government plaza is good, but nothing crazy, especially given how unless you plan on going to war in the mid game, the best upgrade is generally the ones that gives bonus to cities with governors. Note that it doesn't change how you approach city planning because the "near" part of it is quite generous with 6 tiles.

The only district change forKeqing is that harbors build twice as a fast, and listen, harbors are already probably the worst district generally to have bonuses with, especially when you have such an underwhelming one. You have here a civilization that tries to have the route variety of Trojan and the gold of Joao III, and while doesn't necessarily reaches them on those regards, she finds herself in a good middle term of sorts.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Fiammetta Pack
Leader: Fiammetta
Tier: Ban tier
Fun Tier: SS

Notable Traits: -15 loyalty to all cities but great bonuses when full / 2 new busted governors / Holy Sites and monuments give way more bonuses / Notable faith and diplomatic points bonuses when not at war

Everything about her is at least, great and I don't even have the space to mention. Troops, buildings, bonuses while in peace, government district... speaking of governors lets talk about those 2 because they're the biggest menaces in here.

Mostima can be assigned to opposing capitals, with just 2 points on her you can reduce their production by 99%. It's just as insane as it sounds, although the AI cheats in deity so their production gets reduced by 50% which is still great. Her final promo is giving you full diplomatic visibility to all civilizations, meaning you'll always see what they're producing if you have the vision.

Lemuen is equally as busted, with no bad promos at all. One gives additional +16 loyalty, one +25 ranged strength on units in the city, one +6 amenities, one gives culture bonuses to all holy sites and her final one gives 1 faith per citizen in all cities.

The loyalty drawback may hurt if you struggle early with poor settling choices or if you find yourself surrounded, but you have access to so many bonuses at all points in the game that going for unoptimized cities or trying mid game wars will still get you far.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Akbar Pack
Leader: Akbar
Tier: SS
Fun Tier: SSS

Notable Traits: Every era gain a great person that converts gold into production on wonders / Cities without wonder produce them 25% faster / Walls give extra yields to the given city and to your capital / Unique units are solid on attack and defense

Instabuilding wonders is your whole deal, which needless to say, is great, especially if you can get your hands on the Apadana. Gaining 1 production for 2 goal is a great deal but do keep in mind early on that despite all your bonuses, it's hard to get every wonder you want, and as the best ones in the game are generally the ones up until the Renaissance, it means you are only assured to get 3 of them unless you really set yourself to get them.

Finishing wonders also gives you 1/3 of its production in faith, which gives a nice synergy with your unique walls, as they also allow you to buy city buildings using faith, for a relatively cheap price.

Be sure to not limit yourself to just culture wins, you can adapt really well to every type of win, including diplomacy, while always aiming to expand to better use your bonuses. Want to go for religion but don't wanna invest too early? Get Stonehedge for 240 gold. Need an extra great engineer charge for a science game? Mausoleum at Halicarnassus for 600 gold. Felt like spending money to get even more money? Get Big Ben for 2175 gold.

You need to be on top of your finance game for this civ, however, your walls in the early game and your units in the mid game give you a generous safety net, which makes Akbar a civ that makes others of all types jealous all the time.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Jinx Pack
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Jinx Pack
Leader: Jinx
Tier: S
Fun Tier: C

Notable Traits: +25% production to cities with industrial zones / +1 military policy card / +5 unit strength when at war / Unique building and unit are underwhelming

Your early war is really good, military policy cards are generally not good unless you are actively at war and peak in usefulness early, and the +5 gives you a massive difference. If you're having trouble with barbarians, declare war with someone and get that policy card for a +10 combat against them, making even a scout be able to solo a warrior easily.

Jinx late war bonuses however, fall flat on its face. Ranged units start to get noticeably worse after the crossbowman, because as units are able to walk more tiles having range becomes less and less impactful. Her unique unit arriving after bomber planes are a thing and only having +1 range to compensate, is not nearly as good as you think. Her unique encampment main schtick is that it gives additional xp to ranged units, which means, its mostly useless.

The zaun civilization only ever sticks to the S tier because, boring as it sounds, her production game is really great, to the point that you'll want to have one industry in every city even if its the third district you built in it. Consider a normal scenario where you have a city with 30 production, then you build and max out an industrial zone while being close to 2 others, congrats, you now have at least 61 production.

I found myself having a really good science game at the middle point when the planned production bonuses really started to kick in, with that amount, not only I could get most wonders I've wanted if they were still up, but also generate plenty of great engineer points just by having those districts and great scientist point by doing the city projects quicker.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Sun and Moon of Teyvat Pack
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Sun and Moon of Teyvat Pack
Leader: Klee
Tier: Ban tier
Fun Tier: S

Notable Traits: Reveals and can collect niter when the game starts / Can produce WMD using 10 niter early in the game / Unique siege unit is weaker but can launch WMD's / Unique man-at-arms has the stats of a musketman

Although you can farm niter as soon as the game starts, you still need the necessary technology to use it, so instead the best use you have for it early on is selling to more advanced civilizations, giving you massive economic bonuses when the AI needs it.

If you build your unique encampment whose only bonus is making units 30% cheaper to buy, which is an alright bonus, you can also use 10 niter to produce Pounding Surprises, that act as a WMD. You have an early game nuke. They are also less destructive to the city and its population, meaning that not only you can win whatever wars you want, but also that the cities from which you'll occupy will be at a better state.

I cannot stress how that is the only reason you're this high up in the tier list, having nukes 5 eras before is such an insane bonus that I don't even know where to begin. Klee is the leader that perfectly encapsulates the iconic civilization meme of nuking others, and can pull it off before anyone can even fathom thinking about it.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Sun and Moon of Teyvat Pack
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Sun and Moon of Teyvat Pack
Leader: Nahida
Tier: A
Fun Tier: A

Notable Traits: Districts can only be built in woods, but keep the yields from it / Cannot chop but unique unit can explore woods to give chopping bonuses nearly every era / Campus gives more science based on population / Adjacent tiles from city center grant bonus yields

Nehida relies way too much on the spawn. Finding yourself surrounded by woods and rainforests is generally more common and better than other civs that rely on tundra and deserts, but it's still something you have to keep an eye one.

Every 50 turns, your unique unit can explore nearby woods to give some good bonuses equivalent of chopping, always giving production and culture if used on woods or science in rainforests. You really need those culture bonuses, especially early, to get going since all you have going is extra science, which only shows its true potential after universities.

However, your unit only has 5 charges in total, meaning you'll have to produce more. It's not as bad as it seems because despite them having the same 20 strength of a warrior, they gain +15 in combat for every government building upgrade you have, making them usually as strong as the other melee units around, giving you extra safety and war potential later in the game, as you'll have a lot of them just laying around. Considering that the game has 9 eras and they tend to have around a similar numbers of turns despite never reaching the total turns possible, try to keep a mental note to use them every era and a half or so to help building what you feel like it.

Nehida despite relying on a playstyle to Pedro, makes better and most constant use of it, keeping around more adjacency than usual, making her one of the most reliable civs that rely on situational spawns.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Shinra Pack
Leader: Rufus
Tier: D
Fun Tier: F

Notable Traits: Generate power without needing industrial zones with reactors / Rainforests tiles give science / Additional siege unit production / Unique tank troop is good

The Mako generator is great but with a caveat, it generates power for free without needing industrial zones or resources, however, they ruin all surrounding tiles of food which can be harsh. You'll still want to have industrial zones in your empire as they bring a lot of value to adjacency and are generally fine as the third district when you hit 10 population, so don't see the generators as replacing them, just something to use to maximize power or fix poor adjacency planning near the mid to later stages.

Siege unit production is not that good as you don't need many of them really, because they are extremely weak units unless you've surrounded the city walls, meaning you don't usually wanna have more than 2 or 3, making it arguably the second worse unit to have production towards, behind only scouts, and even then there's a good argument for them.

He also has a bonus to wall production and wall damage, which sounds like the passive ability of a Red policy card that's only useful if you planned your army poorly and got a surprise declaration of war in your ass. You'll usually want to have some sort of army just to trigger further eurekas and inspirations, relying on buffed city walls for defending while not "wasting" production on troops is just not optimal.

Those 2 bonuses are already lackluster, and when you consider that if you need one you won't use the other, it just makes Rufus one mess of a civ.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Shinra Pack
Leader: President Shinra
Tier: D
Fun Tier: C

Notable Traits: Generate power without needing industrial zones with reactors / Rainforests tiles give science / Upgrading units only costs 5 gold but you still need strategic resources / Unique tank troop is good

The Mako generator is great but with a caveat, it generates power for free without needing industrial zones or resources, however, they ruin all surrounding tiles of food which can be harsh. You'll still want to have industrial zones in your empire as they bring a lot of value to adjacency and are generally fine as the third district when you hit 10 population, so don't see the generators as replacing them, just something to use to maximize power or fix poor adjacency planning near the mid to later stages.

Honestly the only notable strength that President Shinra has is that upgrading units is essentially free, but with a catch: you still need strategic resources. Early wars are a given early on, especially with ranged/siege units as they don't use those when being improved upon.

It does save you quite a lot of money keeping up old troops, if you had enough money early to keep it up, but you can't let defensiveness be your only strength. Late into the game, it gets really hard to stop the barrage of the unique tank unit that doesn't use oil, which used to be knights, but you have to work to be around a similar science level to them, as your rainforest bonuses that are just fine, get totally irrelevant before the medieval era even starts.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Porfirio Diaz Pack
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Porfirio Diaz Pack
Leader: Porfirio Diaz
Tier: S
Fun Tier: SS

Notable Traits: Works of art give additional yields to the city that has them / Monuments are given 2 slots of all types of art / +1 charge for some great people during golden ages / Unique mid game scout units that can actually fight back

Porfirio is interesting, as it allows gives you actual use for works of art besides tourism, alongside the fact that every city will have additional ones with monuments.

The great people that you gain bonuses during golden eras are merchants, engineers and scientist, which are still good overall. It's not the greatest it could be with writers, artists and musicians, but it's far from bad considering that generals, admirals, and especially prophets, also exist.

He also has a unique building that gives 2 faith and 1 culture, but increases by 1 culture every 2 uses of great people within 2 tiles. It synergizes well with your bonuses and you can certainly make them stack them really well late into the game, but you due to the short range you don't wanna spam them, it's probably the most balance building I have ever seen in a mod.

Porfirio gets more bonuses than other civs going for great people and using them, but requires some serious planning and management in doing city projects to get them, being just strong enough while hard enough to be a great addition to the game.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Junko Enoshima Pack
Leader: Junko
Tier: Ban tier
Fun Tier: S

Notable Traits: Double production on the capital but produce settlers/ Has a 1 turn project to get great prophet / Religion has a special trait that reduces loyalty massively on other cities / Spies are much better and come way earlier

Picture your capital as the equivalent of 3 cities combined early, due to how insane the production is and what you can do with it. Any wonder you want and can build, is basically yours for the taking, and the same applies for any early wars you feel like taking.

Junko has a hard to execute early game as planning when to take over the near civ varies a lot. Sure, you could go all in and win, but since only them can settle more cities, you are left with a lot of empty space without being able to claim it. Feel free to get some of their territories early to help you not just have the capital to rely on, but let them grow. Finding this balance properly is very hard, as they have to be weak enough for you to claim them and not fight back, but the more you let them sow, the more you'll reap.

To help with that, there's the insane early army of up to 9 spies that not only act faster but can also choose any promos. Catching up and helping with your loyalties game is as great as you'd expect.

Despite the ban tier, Junko is probably the civ that most rely on spawn RNG. Never forget that the snowball potential of having the entire continent just for yourself is more than feasible, but if you mess up early or didn't had enough chances, waiting for someone to stand dangerously close for you to even stand a fighting chance may take more eras than you'd like.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Yorha Squadron Pack
Leader: White
Tier: F
Fun Tier: C

Notable Traits: Cities start with 3 population but will neither increase or starve naturally / You have a special city project to gain population / Trades give additional production / Unique support unit will win you wars even when behind in technology

Very interesting concept that honestly makes me wish it was stronger than it is. Spreading around is very rough in the early stages, you still lose citizens when going for settlers and doing the project to gain civilians is costly, meaning you will develop very poorly even for normal deity standards.

With that said, if you hold yourself nicely until the middle of the game, you can start building the pods, who will win your wars even when behind. Low cost, they buff most units in different ways, but by far the best use is giving +1 ranged/siege units meaning you can attack in ranges not even the walls can reach you.

For White in particular, your production bonuses are just, fine. Additional +4 production is nothing to be amazed at when your early game is so weak. You also don't make full use of your already weak unique building whose war oriented bonuses were likely made with only 2B in mind.

You really have to just scrape by, only to then play like a noticeably less effective 2B, who is already not in a ideal spot. It's really hard to do anything with White, and I'm unsure how she would fare off against the other F tier civs from the more unbalanced state of vanilla Civ 6.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Yorha Squadron Pack
Leader: 2B
Tier: D
Fun Tier: A

Notable Traits: Cities start with 3 population but will neither increase or starve naturally / You have a special city project to gain population / Killing units and capturing cities give you production / Unique support unit will win you wars even when behind in technology

Very interesting concept that honestly makes me wish it was stronger than it is. Spreading around is very rough in the early stages, you still lose citizens when going for settlers and doing the project to gain civilians is costly, meaning you will develop very poorly even for normal deity standards.

With that said, if you hold yourself nicely until the middle of the game, you can start building the pods, who will win your wars even when behind. Low cost, they buff most units in different ways, but by far the best use is giving +1 ranged/siege units meaning you can attack in ranges not even the walls can reach you.

For 2B in particular, you will get some nice production by killing units but since you're weak early to the point that early wars are impossible, you'll usually shave off turns only against barbarians. Way late in the game this gets good again, but you really wish you had better things going on during those 2 periods, as you are at the complete mercy of your neighbours to have them not easily conquer you.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Fire Keeper Pack
Leader: Fire Keeper
Tier: A
Fun Tier: A

Notable Traits: Starts with 6 warriors that respawn after dying but cant produce other units / Warriors stay with base stats and use up to 3 items (unique support units) to be linked with them to strengthen / Better holy districts

Much better defensively than offensively since your warriors gain less xp and lose items on death. 6 is a good number and early on you can surely go for early wars or just clearing barbarians without the fear or losing anything, but you cant really compete against naval combat and they become completely irrelevant when planes come around because the utility of the items goes down as the game goes.

You are also a machine of getting golden eras or planning for heroic eras 100% of the time, since the first time you build an item (as they are account for support units) you gain score for it. Considering you have around 40 of them.

The biggest strength really is not the faith bonuses, but just that you can 100% guarantee yourself a great early development, both against players and barbarians, which creates enough space for the Fire Keeper to be a solid enough religion civ.


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