3 reviews liked by marcellahaley

This puzzle looks interesting... anyway pulls out rocket shield

Final Fantasy VII is what Evangelion was to anime. Both are very important and influential works in both their media and both are so talked about that you know why they are the best thing ever and know why they are overrated. Talking about what makes FF7 so good is pointless because everyone knows why it's good or why is it bad. Not going to stop me though and talking about why I like this game so much.

Firstly, the combat is just really good, nothing groundbreaking, but it's good and sometimes all you really need is a good combat system, that isn't all that groundbreaking or unique. The materia adds a lot of depth to the game, but I didn't really experiment much with it, I guess that's something to look to it in my next playthrough.

The world is also really unique, I love the blend of futuristic elements with fantasy elements, it's just a mix the owns honestly, I know other FF do this and I can't wait to play them to see how the settings differ from this one.

The story and characters are also good. The story has both serious and fun moments and it never really feels like either of them is forced, so it just creates a good story where it balances the drama with fun stuff! The characters are also really good! A lot of them don't have much dialogue (especially the optional party members) but it makes up for it with the fun and good dialogue they get.

So yeah good game! Not sure why you need me to say so, but yeah go play it!

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damn my gf died guess it's time to go snowboarding