19 reviews liked by mcnlight

This game was enjoyable and nostalgic due of the Harry Potter series, but I doubt it would have been as popular without the film series' support.

Overall, unless you're a huge fan of the Wizarding Worlds, the game is very repetitive and, to be honest, quite easy. Even though you have so many spells to choose from, the fighting and action tends to be the same over and over again, the bosses are easier than some of the creatures you find around the world, and you can pretty much predict where the story is going.

The game was enjoyable, but I believe the story focuses mostly on the ancient magic aspect rather than the going to school aspect; the lessons you attend are so limited and meaningless, serving only to provide you with a spell to use. I think this was a missed opportunity.

The minigames were enjoyable but short. The flying minigame had only three levels, which was quite frustrating since I struggled to fly at first but eventually got quite good at it! Summoner's Court had a lot more levels, but it still finished quickly, sadly.

I did enjoy playing the game, and I don't want to just trash it because I see myself coming back to it in the future, and I'm still trying to platinum it, but I do believe there were parts missing in this game that would have made it the perfect game that didn't focus on the main Harry Potter story we already know! If you haven't played it yet, I highly recommend it.

This is my first Uncharted game and play through,
It definitely is a parkour simulator but, the story of Nathan Drake is captivating. The world you expose is beautiful and the lore of the game makes you want to dig further. I will definitely play the other uncharted games to catch up to the full story line!

Don't play with your girlfriend, if you want to keep your hair line...
j.k this is quite a fun but stressful game. Would recommend to test your patience.

This is the best Spiderman game yet!

Playing as Venom gave me goose bumps; the story was wonderful and straightforward! I enjoy both Miles' and Peter's perspectives. Miles' character development is beautifully shown in this story.
The only issue I had was that I completely finished the game in such a short time :( I really hope they release some DLC for this game; I believe it's definitely worth playing in NG+ mode!

All of the new gadgets make it so much fun to play and fight with, and the new quick travel is really amazing! It is difficult to return to another game after being able to just choose where you want to be on the map!

The story has been set up wonderfully for the third game, and I cannot wait! I will definitely pre-order it as soon as possible!

They should have not removed CS:GO!

Disappointed in this release, and I was so excited for the community to come back! :(

Still being hopeful for this though..

Best shooter that existed!
Timeless game

Was quite fun back then when it came out,
alot of fun memories

Was a disappointment, especially when you compare it to the first game

but I do know that full game came out on February 22, 2024
so I will play this again and give it another chance



This is a addictive game,
will never play again for my own sake

I've played so much of this game,
its honestly a must play!