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If my review seems overly negative, thats because I'm comparing the game to other Pikmin games, and there's quite a bit this game does worse in comparison. Frankly this is possibly the weakest one. However this is still a Pikmin game and still very fun. I highly recommend picking it up.

-This game has 6 large beautiful areas to explore, more than any other in the series.
-The game no longer holds Pikmin from you based on story progression, my biggest gripe from 3. It actually feels like you can progress, explore and collect, like the first 2 games.
A lot of QoL changes have been made with the Pikmin AI.
-The best looking Pikmin game and one of the best looking games on Switch.
- A lot of content, particularly after the first sets of credits roll. Olimars Shipwrecked Tale and the Trial of the Leaf Sage in particular are very fun.

Major Negatives:
-Night missions suck. Its just boring tower defense mode that doesn't even have the decency to adequately reward the player for suffering through them. No medals even, like the Dandori battles or challenges. I stopped doing them about halfway through the game. They don't count for any areas completion as far as I'm aware.
-Despite how lovely the stages look, I don't think a lot of them are well designed Pikmin levels. There are very few moments where it feels like they type of Pikmin you brought with you impacts your progression, and this is almost as true in challenge stages. This is probably because of the new Onion system. Pikmin of any type can be found pluckable in caves but more can't be created without an Onion. Only the Pikmin 1 trio onions are found early, and only the Ice Pikmin onion can also be found before the credits. I think the thought process was not to make a Pikmin type too necessary, as well as having the areas feel less like video game levels. I thought previous games were much more smartly designed around this and it's possible the act of juggling 8 Pikmin types was too much for them.
-The main story is too easy. Oatchi trivializes most combat encounters both by protecting Pikmin riding on him and by melting enemies he charges into. While the dash has a cool down there is almost no punishment for charging in with reckless abandon. Exploration is also easy since he has the ability to swim and you can even upgrade him to basically be a second captian. Its possible this is related to my previous point but I believe even without Oatchi it would still stand.

Minor Negatives:
-I don't like the games attempts to be basically like every other game. Currency for upgrades, large hub area, that sort of thing.
-Side missions are pointless. Most characters basically want you to things that you're probably already doing and just rewarding you raw materials for it. They also don't auto give you the reward you have to talk to them. A simple achievements system would have worked better.
-The flow is very disconnented. If day missions lead into night missions I might hate them less.
- Characters are annoying and speak when your doing anything. I tend to skip most of the dialogue here. Even Olimar will talk to himself when he's supposed to be alone.
-Despite how much I like the gameplay of Olimar's story, it basically just retells Pikmin 1 but worse.

Reviewed on Jul 25, 2023
