This was a game I've wanted to check out for a few years, and overall I'm glad I did. (and doubly glad I got it heavily discounted) Like others have noted, the writing and narration from Alan Watts can be thoughtful at times, but others it comes off a bit pretentious.

I've listened Alan Watts' lectures before playing this (which is originally what drew me to it) but I think when they are spliced like this the game can loose out on important context or you miss the point of whatever sound bite you're listening to. I also found a hard time really listening to the Alan Watts sound bites and really digesting it and also playing the game. This could be a personal thing, but I found myself stopping to digest the information, and then playing the game. It was always one or the other, but very rarely both due to all the visual and audio stimuli.

Also something that could be better with a controller, but the mouse controls were a bit jank even when tweaking the sensitivity settings.

Overall, it isn't a bad game. If you think you would like a short little calm experience with some fun but possibly pretentious dialogue - its not a bad game to pick up on sale. I don't think I'll be picking it up to play again though.

Reviewed on Dec 09, 2023
