Do you guys not have credit cards?

You know, I understand why people like this game. Its just like how people are into scat, they just love shit.

broken ahh unplayable ahh rush ahh game. this was literally my childhood game, hate to see it like how it truly is now without my rose tinted glasses. The OST is probably the only thing of note from this game that anyone could really takeaway from this.
+.5 for my nostalgic bias

"Estás listo para tus clases de manejo?"

Mario estaba nervioso.

Crash Bandicoot tragado saliva.

Diddy Kong asintió.

Sonic parpadeó nerviosamente.

"Si, El Chavo!", ellos dijo en acuerdo.

the one game where i actually regret wasting my time pirating. Actually killed my high playing it.

this is the type of game where if you like the humor it'll be great, or if you really don't it'd be an average shooter and ooh boy. this is an average shooter. there's very little enemy variety with about 4 different types of enemies that you fight throughout the entire game excluding the boss fights. if you're like myself and couldn't care too much or not at all much of a fan of Justin's work there is thankfully a setting to tone down the actual chatter that pops in over and over leaving no room for silence. there are people i've read in some reviews saying that say that this game has very minimal or non of Roiland's meta-humor which i'd have to ask for them where there ears where? as it is there from the start straight to the finish with it name dropping other existing franchises/games and to jab and pop shots in the most cringiest ways possible. another thing that has annoyed me for the entire playthrough is there being no fov silder as it would've been preferably better to have. many of the guns themselves while have their own unique gimmicks that make them stand out, all of it is just incredibly barebones as if it were comparable to some of the more recent shooters right at the very beginning minus all of the build-up to what you'd expect from something like the DOOM games for instance. only thing i could genuinely give this as a pro that i liked was the artstyle itself and suggesting a better game to play instead of this.

Josef done it, seriously worth all the praise from the audio, visuals, gameplay, and design. Highly encourage you to play it with a close friend/significant other, you'll both love it!

Edit: The Oscar's got fucked. GOTY Material.

i mean... a dollar is a dollar, or free if you're like me and have gold coins stacked up. its okay, not much to do though.

I had like 5 people trying to do a mental check on me after playing this.

don't know where to even start off first with this game. Yakuza 0 has been easily one of favorite games i've played in a while. From what i've heard for the longest time back when it was a PS4 exclusive it was a stellar title on the console. Set in the 80s of Japan you play as Kiryu Kazuma and you are after The Empty Lot. For the first couple of chapters they were a bit slow at first, but once you actually make it through it all the story actually stands out. I personally don't want to give too much away as i believe it should be played blind.

The amount of content that there is outside of the main story is ridiculous with it going from go-karts, cabarets, and real estates. there have been plenty of side-quests that i've ran into where it just completely took me by surprise as for instance there is a popular celebrity from America coming to Japan for an example or a you have to help a woman become the best dominatrix in her club.

The combat reminiscent of every beat 'em ever has been my favorite thing about it with a skill tree to have a new move to take literally anyone down that blocks your path. Hell, you can literally throw a sign, a bicycle, or a full on couch to beat the everloving shit out of your enemies.

There is plenty of minigames to do outside of the main game if you want to take a step back from everything like playing a Sega UFO catcher machine, Sega arcade games, billiards, bowling, baseball, fishing, a dancing minigame, and my personal favorite karaoke.

tl;dr just play this game right now its amazing.

Game Freak & 2K on this...
Legit gonna be a nightmare blunt rotation.