think i was overhating ngl its pretty cool and funny at times i also just love scenecore and early 2000's aesthetics so

pretty cool honestly scared me at bits too when it looks like animal crosing

a beginning game for the formula which i love but as a game its pretty bad stort is lacking too

godddddd bruh such an upgrade from the first one story and gameplay wise


if konami wasn’t dumb probably would’ve been the best new gen sh game


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as a sequel I think it does wonderful things on expanding things in the first game and i think of this as a huge upgrade as all sequels should the ost is better here and honestly more eerie here this game made me realize some things about myself and as a whole message for social anxiety and amognother things overall really good

amazing for what it does in 15 mins

not only do they completely BUTCHER mgs2 and especially the final cutscene but the story is absolutely abysmal controls r so bad i needed to look up a yt video only good thing are 3 bosses and the ost

rlly personal and amazing game too bad the fanbase cant shut up

almost 10 years it stll isnt done hang it up

starts off kinda weak imo but ends off pretty cool the cult reminbds me of silent hill's " The Order" but still a very good psychological horror