It's hard for me to put into exact words how this game made me feel but it's a truly special experience and I have not been able to stop thinking about it since I finished it.

Despite being from a genre I have minimal experience in (survival horror) I really loved every bit of it and solving puzzles made me feel like a genius. I've seen complaints about the minimal inventory but to me it only made the game feel more challenging, I really felt how important it was to think through my options and choose which items I wanted to carry and when.

As for the story itself, I feel so absorbed in it and all of its mystery. The game doesn't explicitly explain much to you but it feeds you plenty of hints, clues and details to help piece it together. I'm still unsure of some specifics of the story but when these pieces fit into place you can tell how much thought went into creating this game's world, and the story of Elster and Ariane. I can't recommend this game enough, it's only $20 and it's just so immaculately put together.

Reviewed on Oct 17, 2023
