good story, fun, nice gacha and no generic fanservice >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the rest

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mfw i didn't prepare for unforeseen consequences

why did they go so hard on this update, holy fuck, i wasn't expecting actual emotion

pretty nice experience from what i remember

tracking down and getting the projectors and cages in EVERY act of every level is a pain

soundtrack is legendary though, both US and JP/EU

really fun game, though it had some drawn out segments, actually being able to move around during cutscenes was new, really picks up around the endgame

watching this game that ive watched since childhood slowly degrade and essentially assure its downfall is somewhat sad, especially with them going full force on their metaverse branding (they are delusional)

shoutout to the guy who ported it to xbox

i remember the hype surrounding this, crazy time

easily one of my favourite sonic games, has some of the best battles ive seen in sonic games

also i genuinely cannot tell whether people like this game or not

as a guy who really wanted to play genshin when it first came out somehow this game lost me relatively quickly

i got to the point after the 4 doors thing then dropped the game

actually got surprised by The G-Man being successfully warded off by vortigaunts, which i presume is why it took him until episode 2's half point to reappear