Hi-Fi Rush 2023

Log Status






Time Played

16h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 26, 2023

First played

February 20, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This was a lot of fun. When it was first revealed, I thought it looked cool but I wasn't gonna play cause I'm not a big fan of rhythm games and I didn't think I would enjoy being punished for having bad rhythm. Then people played the game and said how you don't actually need good rhythm at all really and how easy it is to keep on rhythm, and they were right!

In the best way possible, this feels like a Saturday morning cartoon mixed with the xbox 360 era of action platformers, and the combat even gives me some kingdom hearts vibes at times. The art style is great, levels are vibrant and a good mixup of fights and platforming with plenty of collectibles to find. I played on normal so I didn't have to overly dive into the combat but there is definitely depth there around the various combos and specials for people on harder difficulties.

I also really liked the characters and writing, I did genuinely laugh out loud at multiple points and I really liked both the final boss fight, and how the various characters tie into that fight and ending. My only real gripe is that sometimes the levels can be a small bit repetitive, like the tower climbing one, but overall its not a big deal.