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August 29, 2023

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I don't think anyone ever asked, "What if there was a Metal Gear character action game?", but I think PlatinumGames provided an amazing answer to that question. I'd always been skeptical of Metal Gear Rising, but I decided to dive in this month, due to a river of glowing retrospectives over the last few years, and I'm left regretting my apprehension. This game is sick.

There's a lot to enjoy, here. Great amount of enemy variety, gorgeous levels with just enough complexity, absolutely satisfying move set. The latter is only accentuated by Blade Mode; something I've seen as a gimmick since Rising's initial reveal, makes this game ridiculously entertaining while having legitimate utility.

As a Metal Gear game, there is obligatory stealth, and I wish they had either given it more time to cook in the oven, or just removed it entirely. It's incredibly barebones, worse than even Metal Gear 2 (that's the MSX game from 1990; not Solid 2). I wouldn't mind it so much if you weren't forced to sneak at several points, and these segments are no fun. There's a paltry amount of stealth mechanics given to Raiden, and enemies range from braindead to hyperalert. Every time I got past an area, it was due to sheer luck.

The story is pulpy as hell, so your enjoyment of it will vary. I personally loved it. This is a Metal Gear game that really dives into the series cyberpunk roots, and goes all out with it. Odd comparison, but I was somewhat reminded of Neill Blomkampf movies. Specifically, Elysium, though Rising predates it by a good amount of months. This game does not bother with subtext. It's funny, because the game is trying to have a legitimate conversation at times. For me, it totally worked. It's a game that wears its heart on its sleeve, which I just couldn't help but respect.

That said, I didn't really enjoy how this game treats Raiden. It's not great! Shocking, I know. The entire game is just spent reinforcing that he can never move past his trauma. I understand at a certain point, it becomes harder for people to heal some wounds, but it's fiction, for one. Plus, Snake was given closure three times in this series. To be honest, I was kind of upset with the ending. It's implied that Armstrong somehow got through to him, and I just don't buy it. That man is an absolute loser, and Raiden spends the majority of the fight putting him in his place.

Gripes aside, I think Metal Gear Rising is absolutely fantastic, and totally worth your time. It's not a long game, closing off at a solid six hours, but I love that the game doesn't overstay it's welcome. Plus, there is a ton of complexity in it's combat, and I could totally see it being fun to go after its harder difficulty modes. Totally earns the praise it gets.