This game is the main reason I modded my Saturn international so I could play this game with the 4MB cartridge. Beautiful, fun game.

This is one of the reasons I modded my Saturn international so I could play this game with the 4MB cartridge. Glorious game. Love the soundtrack too.

The fact this game combined history with an RPG made it a standout for me. One of the best JPRGs of the PS2 era.

Owned the dreamcast version which was head over heels better than the PS version I also owned. Great visuals and fun gameplay.

I think I replayed this game 4 or 5 times when it came out. The soundtrack was amazing.

Great game. Really wish it could be re-released on modern consoles. I only played through it once (using a save from Scenario I that I wasn't too pleased with) so a replay is in the future if the game is ever brought back.

One of the best RPGs for the Sega Saturn.

I wish they kept the additions from the original game (custom win taunts, etc.) but still a great game to play.

The first entry and I think the best. All of the bonus editions aren't available in future versions, like the custom win icons, colors, and music tracks, which leaves this version the definitive version.

Fun collection though I wish they also added some of the bonus features available in console releases (Illustration Mode in Street Fighter Alpha 2 on Saturn, World Tour Mode plus the additional characters of SFA3, yes I know in many ways SFA3 in arcades is different than home consoles due to the use of polygons).

I played this game furiously when it came out. The fact we could finally enjoy Cammy in Street Fighter Alpha 2 right off the presses from X-Men vs. Street Fighter was surreal.

Really didn't like the swapping of discs on the 360 and that in a certain battle the game would freeze...

One of my favorite games. Love the updates to gameplay over the predecessor while keeping a lot of the same mechanics. Great story. When I first played it years ago I actually had a religious experience through it. Some great philosophical questions came up and I'm better for it. If it's ever released on modern consoles I will definitely play again.