4 reviews liked by michi_naranja

He sufrido taquicardias menos fuertes en los exámenes de Septiembre en la ESO.

you can pet the dog 10/10

The art for this is so charming and the music and ambient sounds only add to it!! I'd consider this more of a visual short story than a game and I finished it in less than an hour. When it comes to the plot I'm not sure there really is one. It seems like just a peek into the lives of two 30-something friends and roommates in Russia. A little glitchy here and there and the translation was a little clumsy at times, but overall it was nice.

Cute lil story to pass an hour with, snuggly blanket and cup of tea recommended!!

ironic how this games entire gameplay is doing chores yet animal crossing fans are some of the laziest slobs ever. how can you play a game about cleaning an entire island when your room reeks of cat urine and mold

I really enjoy this game, granted any game becomes more fun with friends