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6/10 not diverse enough - joshua not kissed enough

i have issues - i see flaws, cracks and holes - someone kicks my door down and screams in my face "what was that scene, that was JRPG NONSENSE!!", i point my smartphone at him showing a gif of james franco in the 2018 western cinematic film the ballad of buster scruggs, he grabs my head and shakes it, "THAT CHARACTER IS UNDEVELOPED", i laugh as he is instantly crushed by $200 million in 100 yen coins, to be spent on the next bossfight cinematic

you laugh nervously, you ask me "we'll get back to the game of thrones stuff soon, right?" - i do not register it, i am already preparing to fight the concept of midlife crisis or some other dumb abstract shit personified into human with wings of arbitrary color - and personally i wouldnt have it any other way

ultimately, yoshida-dono said he wanted "the best graphics, the best story and the best battle system" and inspecting with any lens of signifant width it is clear that it is his victory and we mere peasants can squabble about things that could have been done better (some things of which i'd probably agree with), but in the end we can do nothing but kneel

while these bumps in the road may prove nauseating to those not accustomed to riding chocobos with no seatbelt, fact is that when the road gets smooth, thats when playing this game feels like finally playing every fake e3 trailer thats been dumped on our eyes for the past 15 years, thats when playing this game feels like FFXV finally released, thats when we are so back bros

it cannot be overstated how much these bossfights and cinematics feel like i can finally understand what it means when someone says their minds were blown by the FFVIII intro cinematic when it first came out, or what fighting sephiroth in 1997 felt like

if you ever doubted that this is "real" final fantasy, you need only take a look at the plotholes and weird sidequests that probably should have been main quests - true marks of a really good final fantasy game - if you don't get it why this is or you think this is stupid, click off the page and go back to livetweeting your colonoscopy or whatever it is you freaks do, and if you actually want to understand it, go play FFV for the love of god someone please play that game im fucking begging you

know that i was leaning on somewhere between 4 and 4.5 but had to round up because i saw some asshole put 3 stars with dishonored in his favorite games list and im fucking done playin with you fools but also i dont think i'd go below 8.5/10 anyway so i had to round up regardless please dont hurt me

where is biggs and wedge ? huh ? wait dont roll the credits yet you forg-

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2023


10 months ago

W review. I need to play FFV man. 😭

10 months ago

At least someone remembers Biggs and Wedge.