ton of tedious things in this game. always just makes me return to other roguelites after spending 50 minutes on another mostly empty run

i cannot picture a world where someone gives this less than a 10

combat gets mad tedious sometimes but game feels sooooooo good

the (goat) no (cap) aint no fighting game with cooler mechanics

tons of genius fascinating mechanics however runs are TOO GOD DAMN LONG . million ways to randomly die and you get set back like an hour sometimes

mid ass combat mid ass story but its kinda sick w friends

wish there were more builds viable at high difficulties but like. game pretty perfect otherwise

game is balanced like dog ass but goated anyways

bizarre difficulty spikes but shit is gas

there is a tiny bit of love here. but team games desperately need at least one chimpanzee pulling the balance levers and there are zero here. some fun gameplay but everything does entirely random damage

ilwinter doesnt miss on this strategy ish. i feel like i know very little about this game but i have fun every time


just like archeblade, my favorite game genre. just boot up and fight. this shit just needed some more publicity and content. the most underrated game of all god damn time

a forgotten game genre . i had so much fun

so much emergent gameplay and silly stuff in this game. but especially if youare playing alone the lack of class lines and such feels like you're just grinding the same setup/scenario with each fight, and you see just about all the stuff you can use in the game in one go