This review was written before the game released

the sovkahn boss has to have something wrong with it besides it crashing because he just wont let you hit him its kusoge the rest of the game is awesome and atavatka is good and hard and fun
the unpolished parts like the crashing and how i have to change the taunt bind every time i launch the game makes me sour on the game even if its so fun gameplay and iconography wise and i only made it to sovkahn after they fixed apparent crashes and fixing when you change directional input binds on keyboard you cant double tap sprint

(below if from when the demo came out)
the demo is so good im so excited, game has come out and is so good having more enemies and levels gives you time to actually figure out the combat better and the combat is fun, it is really hard on controller but i dont have a fightstick and cant use keyboard even if it would work because no quarter circles because steam. but the story is really good too and the characters are fun and the environments get so much cooler. i havent beat the game yet but when i figure out a controller sitch i wanna go through and s rank the whole game

Reviewed on Jun 18, 2023
