I loved this game very much.
I can't believe it took me literally 3 TRIES over the course of 6 years to finally get into it, but wow I truly regret not pushing through when I first got this game in 2017.
The combat was really what held me back. I just could not get into it due to how different it is to what I'm used to (keep in mind this is my first Dragon Age game), but after a few hours it actually became quite fun. Although, it is annoying that you can only have 8 abilities equipped at a time.
The story is pretty good, the choices you make and who you choose to stand by actually matters, but like in the Mass Effect games, what stands out to me are the side characters and the Inquisitor's relationship with them. They're all likeable, from the advisors to the actual companions (except maybe Sera, who I found slightly annoying), and you can actually feel them growing on you. The loyalty missions develop these characters further, and make you feel for them (Dorian, sob). The romances are very well done imo, fully fleshed out and well written, each of them different depending on the chosen character. Plenty of funny scenes and banter between the characters too, which is always nice.
The performances! Everyone killed it, but I gotta give special props to Freddy Prinze Jr who was just great as Iron Bull.
Graphics are pretty good? I think they still hold up very well nowadays for a 9 y/o game. The different worlds are pretty, each in their own way, with plenty of stuff to do from collectibles to actual side missions.
After playing, I totally understand all the awards this game got, and for sure its a must play for anyone who enjoys RPGs, it might be one of the best out there.
I think this was Bioware at its best, and I hope we get to see more of it.

Reviewed on Jul 29, 2023
