The setting for this game is interesting; first time in America in the AC games, and during the revolution no less.
The world was new and fun to explore and the story was OK. I feel like they should've taken advantage of having a native-american protagonist to delve more into that side of history, but yeah.
Connor is kinda stoic, doesn't talk much, but is still relatable to a certain degree, although when you meet Haytham, the supposed villain, you can't help but like him more than the protagonist.
Gameplay was fine, I'll give Ubisoft some props for the tomahawk and introducing the naval combat. However, whatever good there is, is sometimes eclipsed by the bugs and overall lack of polish in the game.
Like in the previous games, the present day sequences are wayyy too long. If you combine them I think they're like less than 2 hours, but that's still 2 hours too long. And all for the ending to Desmond's story to be anti-climatic af.

Reviewed on Jul 30, 2023
