This is the best looking fighting game out right now. I'm obsessed with the costume design and art design of every fighter, each with their own fantastic theme song. I'm amazed by the way every character has its own unique move set. There are some balancing problems, especially with game-breaking new characters like Happy Chaos and Giovanna. But the explosive aesthetic and free-flowing battle mechanics make this game inviting and satisfying.

Overwatch is the best multiplayer shooter. It has so many exciting characters voiced by stellar actors. Every hero brings so much personality and a unique play style into the fray, and a variety of maps/game modes keep things fresh. I really wish Overwatch 2 wasn't such a letdown.

RDR2 is one of the most overrated games I've ever seen. The writing and acting are phenomenal, no doubt. But the game itself is mid. There are 20 million trailing missions, the shootouts are mostly not very fun, and most of the time the game tends to simply play itself. I would definitely love this story a lot more if it was an HBO series. Realism is such a huge word that gets thrown around by fans of the game, but I got so sick of watching these long animations of Arthur doing stuff like skinning animals. Also, the bounty system is stupid. I didn't really set out to be a "good outlaw" so I committed crimes in various towns in the beginning of the game, and I had a bounty of a couple hundred dollars. But there came a point where I couldn't go to the next objective of the main story because I would get killed by bounty hunters as soon as I went on my way.

I had a fantastic time with this game. The levels are super unique and beautiful, with the player having their own role in the sound design because the placement of the blocks is incorporated into the sound/music. Also, the music is so perfect for this style of game. My personal favorites are "Yours Forever," "Next Chapter," and "Always Been But Never Dreamed." Sometimes the bright colors can get a little overwhelming because the block speed will eventually turn up quite high, but I played this game on easy mode because I don't really care about points in an experience like this. It's entrancing and hypnotic, and it delivers the most perfectly ethereal vision for Tetris.

I was obsessed with this game's trailers because of its slick aesthetic and high intensity gameplay. But I was so disappointed with the finished product. The AI is awful; they have no in-between of seeing you through walls or not noticing you at all. I also find the idea of a "roguelike puzzle" to be deeply flawed fundamentally. You end up having to play the same four levels over and over and over. Also, the nighttime level is really poorly designed. All in all, this game makes me kinda sad. It had so much potential, and it did not deliver for me.


Another beautiful wordless story featuring a musical masterclass by Austin Wintory. Even more so than Journey, this game creates the wonderful sensation of being but a tiny speck in an infinite universe, always with something amazing to discover down the current. I love this game so very much.

This is a perfect game not only as an accessible introduction to a new gamer looking for what this medium is capable of, but for the experienced gamer to reconnect with the beauty of interactive media. I could not believe the stunning ingenuity of the desert world and the omnipresence of Austin Wintory's brilliance, a theme that builds and transforms to eventually become "I Was Born For This" which to me is the greatest video game song of all time. Playing this game feels like a triumphant, emotional moment that I never get tired of revisiting. I've made it a point over the last couple years to share this game with the closest people to me, and watching them experience it has been very rewarding. The most recent experience was with my best friend in the world, and the emotional outpour we shared were unforgettable.

The rare perfect game. It is quite short, but SO fun. It's a tech demo and a commercial at the same time, but it doesn't really feel like either because it's such an exciting game to play.

This is gaming as art. It's one of the boldest and most visionary games I've had the pleasure of experiencing with a fantastic story and dynamic direction from chapter to chapter. Topped with a brilliant knockout ending, this game is one that everyone should try if they haven't already.

I had so much fun with this game. For years I'd missed playing couch co-op games like Lego Batman with my younger sibling and wanted to have something new to play with them, and this game was exactly what I'd been wanting. Every level has such a creative way of combining the abilities of both players. Sure, the voice acting can be a little cringy sometimes, but the gameplay is superb. So many memorable moments from start to finish, and it was even more fun getting to play with my sibling.

I'm an enjoyer of 3D action platformers and I had a good time with Solar Ash. The movement has a great rhythm and flow to it, while the combat could be a little more interesting. I love the way they took inspiration from Shadow of the Colossus and refined it to make exciting boss battles. I wish the music was better, but it's okay. I found the ending very interesting, and it made the game feel worth completing. A solid game.

This is a super mixed bag. I like the atmosphere they create and the air of mystery, but I feel as though they tried to put too much in here. A huge amount of the set pieces are around for just one small sequence and then never touched upon again. I didn't like the water levels very much, and found the ending unsatisfying. What we have here is a case of hipster bait. I love wordless stories in gaming, but this is definitely not one of the better ones.

When I played this game it became my favorite ever (only now surpassed by its sequel). I was deeply moved by the story and amazed at every turn by the masterful art and music. Every ability Ori gains is useful and you get them at the perfect pace so that you never run out of new exciting things to experiment with. My only critique is that the combat is not very fleshed out. It's pretty simplistic, but it gets the job done.

I had a great time with this game. Austin Wintory is my favorite game composer and he created a gorgeous soundscape. The open world and traversal are super well-designed, and I was engaged with the story throughout. Each boss battle feels unique, and the progression feels impactful. Overall, a super underrated game.

This game scratches a super specific itch and I wish there were more games just like it. Thrilling gameplay from moment to moment is never interrupted by cutscenes, leading to a well-paced experience. I love the flow of the movement and platforming. There is the occasional hiccup with a really difficult level or frustrating enemy type, but the load times and checkpoints are good enough that you can get right back into the action. The cybervoid puzzles are objectively bad, but at least there's only like three of them. I easily recommend this game.